How to use arrays formulas in excel?

Arrays formulas in Excel are powerful tools that allow users to perform complex calculations on multiple values simultaneously. By applying array formulas, you can process a large set of data in one operation, saving time and improving accuracy. Whether you’re summing products, finding specific data patterns, or performing conditional checks, array formulas enhance the flexibility and efficiency of your spreadsheets. Embrace the versatility of array formulas to boost your Excel proficiency and make your data analysis tasks easier and faster.

1. What is an array in Excel?

An array in Excel can be either a list of values saved into individual cells or consists of merely one expression that processes multiple values at the same time. Rather than performing calculations separately, multiple elements can be calculated simultaneously using arrays in equations.

Numbers or text can be used to create elements that are either contained within a row or column, or have multiple rows and columns. By adding a weekly grocery list to the Excel array format, you can see that:

{“Milk”, “Tea Leaves”, “sugar”}

Then, if you select cells A1 through D1, enter the above array preceded by an equal sign (=) in the formula bar and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter, you will get the following result:

Arrays Formulas

2. What is an array formula?

  1. In contrast to a regular expression: An array statement can handle multiple values. The purpose of an array expression in Excel is to evaluate all individual values in an existing array and perform calculations on one or more elements based upon the expressed conditions.
  2. In addition to processing multiple values concurrently: Array expressions can also return multiple value concurrently. The output of the array expression is also an array and contains returns.
  3. The Array Formula is accessible in Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007 and Lower versions.

3. How to use Single-cell array formulas in Excel?

Step 1: First, you need to enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet to get an organized table of data as shown in the image.

Arrays Formulas

Step 2: Now add additional columns in E1 and F1, to get the result there.

Columns have been added here.

Arrays Formulas

Step 3: Now, use the formula as shown below.

The formula is: =MAX(C2:C5-B2:B5)

Applied the formula here.

Arrays Formulas

Step 4: Because array expressions store the intermediate results entirely in memory, they don’t need any additional columns.

Simply input the given formula and hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Here is the result you can see in the picture.

Arrays Formulas

4. How to use a multi-cell array formula in Excel?

Step 1: Here given the quantity of items sold and price of every products are presented in columns B1:B5 and C1:C5. Assumed that you would be obligated to pay 12% tax on all sales, and the formula is used for determining the tax amount for every product.

The information above has been entered into an Excel sheet.

Arrays Formulas

Step 2: Now, add the columns in D1:D5 to get the amount after using 12% tax on every product.

Added the columns here.

Arrays Formulas

Step 3: Picked the area of ​​the empty cell D2 and add the formula. Apply the formula illustrated in the image. The formula: =B2:B5*C2:C5*0.12

The formula has been used here.

Arrays Formulas

Step 4: By pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter, Excel displays an array expression in all selected cells and produces the following output.

The result is below.

Arrays Formulas

Step 5: Now apply the same formula for every team according to your Excel column from column D3:D5.

Here are all the results below.

Arrays Formulas

5. How to use Horizontal array constant and Vertical array constant in Excel?

Horizontal array constant

Step-1: You need to arranged a Horizontal array constant as shown. First, select the rows as displayed in the below image.

The rows have been selected here.

Arrays Formulas

Step-2: To create a row array constant, enter a comma-separated value before joining the braces. Here is an example, {1,2,3,4}. To generate array constants, the opening and closing braces must be entered manually. In the below, the formula has been entered into the formula bar of excel sheet. The formula: ={1,2,3,4}

Used the formula here.

Arrays Formulas

Step-3: to place an array on the horizontal line into the table, after entering the formula into formula bar press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

As shown in the screenshot, Excel includes the array constants in a separate statement, similar to entering an array expression.

Arrays Formulas

Vertical array constant

Step-1: First, select the Columns as showed in the picture.

The columns have been selected here.

Arrays Formulas

Step-2: The vertical array constants are located in the columns. The way they generate it is similar to an array that is horizontal, with the exception of a distinction between semicolons and elements. The formula: ={11;12;13;14;15;16}

The formula has been used below.

Arrays Formulas

Step-3: Enter the formula into your formula bar as shown here. After entering the formula do press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Here is the output of Vertical array constant.

Arrays Formulas

6. Things to remember about using array formula.

  1. Control shifts, also referred to as CSE formulas are commonly used.
  2. Keep the array free from any bracketing. It’s just the way Excel operates.
  3. Enter the brackets “{” Manually treat them as text). Avoid attempting to enter by pressing the Enter key.” rather, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to use the array formula
  4. Changing the cells in an array is not possible. Changing the format of an array expression can be achieved by either editing the function bar or eliminating the expression and redesigning it accordingly.

Application of Arrays formulas in excel

  • Sum of Products: Use array formulas to multiply corresponding elements in two or more arrays and then sum the results. This is useful for calculating total sales, inventory values, or weighted averages.

  • Conditional Counting: Array formulas allow you to count values that meet specific criteria in a dataset, such as counting items that exceed a certain threshold, or those matching multiple conditions.

  • Matrix Operations: You can use array formulas to perform matrix multiplication or inversion, making it useful for complex calculations like statistical analysis or financial modeling.

  • Conditional Summing: Sum values based on multiple conditions with array formulas, similar to the SUMIFS function, but more powerful and flexible.

  • Extracting Data from Multiple Sheets: Use array formulas to pull data from multiple worksheets or ranges at once, which is particularly useful when analyzing data from various sources.

  • Performing Complex Calculations: Array formulas help with tasks like calculating compound interest, running totals, or applying formulas to an entire column at once, streamlining operations for large datasets.

For ready-to-use Dashboard Templates:

  1. Financial Dashboards
  2. Sales Dashboards
  3. HR Dashboards
  4. Data Visualization Charts
  5. Power BI – Biz Infograph
  6. Automation – Biz Infograph
