10 Tricks to Fix Slow Excel Spreadsheets (Improve Excel Speed)

Fix slow Excel spreadsheets with these 10 tricks, transforming your sluggish files into models of efficiency and speed. In the world of data analysis and reporting, a slow-performing spreadsheet can be more than just an annoyance—it can hinder productivity, delay insights, and complicate decision-making processes. Whether you’re a financial analyst dealing with complex models, a marketer analyzing consumer data, or a student organizing research, this guide is designed to help you overcome performance hurdles. By implementing these strategic tricks, you can optimize your Excel spreadsheets, ensuring they run smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on extracting valuable insights and achieving your data-driven goals.

10 Tips to fix slow Excel spreadsheets

This Tutorial Covers:

  1. Avoid Volatile Functions
  2. Use Helper Columns
  3. Avoid Array Formulas
  4. Use Conditional Formatting with Caution
  5. Use Excel Tables and Named Ranges
  6. Convert Unused Formulas to Values
  7. Keep All Referenced Data in One Sheet
  8. Avoid Using Entire Row/Column in References
  9. Use Manual Calculation Mode
  10. Use Faster Formula Techniques

1 . Fix slow Excel spreadsheets by Avoiding Volatile Functions

For a reason, volatile formulations are so named. When the worksheet is changed, functions like NOW, TODAY, INDIRECT, RAND, OFFSET, and so forth recalculate.

For instance, if you use the NOW function in a cell, the formula will be updated, and the cell value will change each time the worksheet is changed.

This requires more processing power, which results in a slow Excel spreadsheet.

Always steer clear of volatile formulations. If you can’t, attempt to utilize it as little as possible.

2. Use Helper Columns

Fix slow Excel spreadsheets through Excel’s one of the most underutilized design elements is the use of helper columns. Many people, in my experience, avoid developing helper columns.


The main advantage of using “Helper Columns” is that you might be able to avoid using array formulae.

Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m not opposed to array formulas. Instead, I think that in some circumstances, these might be fantastic. However, when you attempt to do everything with a single lengthy formula, it does affect how well your Excel spreadsheet functions. It shouldn’t hurt to use a few array formulae here and there, but if you need to use it frequently, think about adding auxiliary columns.

3. Avoid Array Formulas

Although there are advantages to using array formulas, speed is not one of them.

As previously mentioned, array formulas have the capacity to process large amounts of data (cell references) and return the desired outcome. However, it requires a while to accomplish this.

To fix slow Excel spreadsheets always choose the option that avoids utilizing array formulae, such as by employing a helper column.

4. Use Conditional Formatting with Caution

Conditional formatting is my absolute favorite. It makes boring data appear so lovely. Now you can quickly compare cells by looking at their color or icon rather than having to perform the comparison manually.

But this is the issue.

The volatility of Excel Conditional Formatting is not well-known among users.

Even while you might not notice the difference with tiny data sets, if applied repeatedly or too huge data sets, it may slow down an excel spreadsheet.

Word of caution: Use it with caution to fix slow Excel spreadsheets.

5. Use Excel Tables and Named Ranges

To fix slow Excel spreadsheets  there are two fantastic tools that keep your data and refer really simple are Excel Tables and Named Ranges. It could take some time to get used to it, but once you do, life is simple and quick.

It is nearly always a good idea to turn your data into an Excel Table when designing data-driven dashboards.

It also has the additional benefit of making your formulas easier to understand.

What is simpler to comprehend, for instance?




10 Tricks to Fix Slow Excel Spreadsheets

6. Convert Unused Formulas to Values

To fix slow Excel spreadsheets, this is an obvious choice. Don’t hold onto things you don’t need.

A sluggish Excel worksheet would be the result of several formulas. And you know whom to blame if you have formulas that aren’t even being used. As a general guideline, it’s preferable to turn formulas into static values if you don’t need them (by pasting them as values).

7. Keep All Referenced Data in One Sheet

Although you might not always be able to achieve this, I promise that you can fix slow Excel spreadsheets.

The reasoning for this is straightforward: if the data is nearby on the same page, your worksheet’s formulas won’t need to travel very far to access it.

8. Avoid Using Entire Row/Column in References

The only reason I included this one on the list is that I frequently encounter formulas that refer to the full row or column. To fix slow Excel spreadsheets, avoiding this poor habit.

Excel does not perceive the row or column as having simply a few cells with data, as you might. When you refer to a complete row or column, Excel checks it as a good servant. That requires extra computation time.

9. Use Manual Calculation Mode

I’m merely restating what a million other individuals in a variety of forums and blogs have previously said. By using manual calculation, Excel allows you to choose when to perform calculations rather than relying on its own judgment. While it won’t speed up your Excel workbook, it will save time if your spreadsheet is slow by preventing Excel from performing repeated calculations.

Go to Formula Tab -> Calculation Options -> Manual to enter manual mode (press F9 key to recalculate). It will help to fix slow Excel spreadsheets.

10 Tricks to Fix Slow Excel Spreadsheets

10. Use Faster Formula Techniques

Excel offers you numerous formulae and formula combinations to accomplish the same task. It is best to recognize and employ the quickest ones.

Here are a few instances:

  • Use IFERROR rather than IF and ISERROR together (unless you are using Excel 2003 or earlier, which does not have IFERROR).
  • Instead of using IF(A1>0,A1,0), use MAX(A1,0). This is a smart technique I picked up from Mr. Billy. According to his studies, the MAX option is 40% quicker than the IF option (and I am ready to take this stat at face value).
  • Rather than using VLOOKUP, combine INDEX and MATCH. Although this may generate a lot of questions, the fact remains that VLOOKUP cannot possibly be faster if there are hundreds of columns of data. The world is shifting toward INDEX/MATCH, so you ought to follow suit. Here is a side-by-side comparison of VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH in case you are still unsure which to use.
  • Use — (double negatives) to change TRUE and FALSE values into 1 and 0 respectively (instead of multiplying it by 1 or adding 0 to it). Large data sets show a substantial speed improvement.

Is this a thorough list? Definitely NOT. As a starting point, these are some excellent ones that I believe are worth sharing. If you want to grasp Excel-Speed-Up techniques, many Excel gurus have produced some excellent work.

You undoubtedly have a ton of advice on how to fix slow Excel spreadsheets. Send us a note about it in the comment box below.

Moreover, I have a request. Many of us deal with the frustration of dealing with a slow Excel spreadsheet on a daily basis. If you think these methods are helpful. Spread the word about it. Reduce their suffering and acquire some goodness.


For ready-to-use Dashboard Templates:

  1. Financial Dashboards
  2. Sales Dashboards
  3. HR Dashboards
  4. Data Visualization Charts
