
The Essential Dos and Don’ts of Every Sales Department

Sales are perhaps one of the toughest business functions that are heavily reliant on how well a salesperson deals with certain situations. Plus, it can also be said that a lot of businesses are dependent on how a sales team performs as they are generating a chunk of your business revenue. This is why there are many dos and don’ts in the sales function that highly influence your performance, and some of them are as follows.

Do: Hire a Good Salesperson

Sales is a business function that requires a specific set of skills that many other business people don’t have, and if you hire someone who doesn’t have those skills, then your sales performance will struggle. Meanwhile, you’re going to have to train them to be good salesperson who is going to cost you money and time. However, it’s important to know that anyone you hire will need some training.

It’s also best to do a thorough skill check when hiring a new employee. Furthermore, you should also clearly define the role’s job description beforehand because if the person doesn’t get what they expected, it leads to a lack of motivation and low performance.

Do: Set Clear Goals

Setting goals is an important part of being in the sales team as they should always know what they need to achieve. It’s also important that you choose the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) criteria when setting goals. These are very useful in monitoring their performance as well.

Don’t: Confuse Between Results and Activity

Sales results and sales activity are two completely different things that many sales managers and business managers don’t know about. They see that a salesperson is constantly making calls, and they assume that sales are booming. In reality, they could just be cold calls with no selling. So, it’s important you only look at the results they create and not their activity.

Don’t: Accept Mediocre Performance

As mentioned earlier, sales are all about performing at the highest level, and if you see someone underperforming, then let them know or ask them what the problem is. That’s because sales is a group effort, and if someone’s underperforming, they’re affecting their whole team’s performance. Furthermore, lack of effort will also be visible to potential customers, which isn’t a good representation of the company in front of them. 

You can monitor your sales team’s performance with the Sales management dashboards we offer. At Biz Infographics, we make it a priority to make all businesses more efficient and effective. Our sales dashboards include a template for budgeting, individual performances, and also team performances. Besides sales dashboards, we also offer HR dashboards and financial dashboards. You can check them all out on our website or contact us to find out more.

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