
Should I Use Infographics? Tips to Remember When Deciding

According to research, humans respond better to visual content than plain ol’ text. This is because visual data is more engaging, engrossing, and stimulating. Think about it. If you were presented with a heavy bulk of text and a set of visuals, which one would you prefer to peruse as a consumer? The latter, right?

Well, the large majority of people across the globe agree with you. Visuals are simply more compelling than text. In 2021, this bite-sized knowledge is rapidly circulating the corporate sector. As business owners and marketing managers get up to speed with the benefits of using modern, engaging, and retentive visuals over text, they’re increasingly making the switch to infographics.

But wait, what is an infographic? A collection of visuals (images, charts, and minimal text), an infographic is extremely easy to digest. It breaks down topics and subtopics in a way that’s easy to view, understand, absorb, and retain. If you’ve been considering using infographics for personal or corporate work, you’re on the right track. Keep these three tips in mind to make the right decision:

1. Infographics and Presentations Go Hand-in-Hand

If you’re creating a presentation, make sure you incorporate infographics into the slides. You’ll manage to present text, statistics, and other types of data in an engaging and visually appealing manner.

Infographics can be used in any type of presentation. Whether you’re working on a marketing presentation or outlining your company’s KPIs for investors, using infographics will supplement your presentation.

Recommended Read: Infographics vs. Text: A Comparison

2. Infographics Can Be Used in Dashboards

Today, the large majority of professional dashboard templates feature infographics. Whether you’re using a corporate finance, personal finance, HR, or sales dashboard, you’ll find bite-sized infographic-style visuals that make the information easier to digest.

As your team uses dashboards in the long run, they’ll benefit from increased efficiency and productivity. This is because infographic-style visuals make mundane data entry and analysis tasks less tiresome and monotonous and more engaging. The different colors, charts, and visual snippets help present the information in a way that’s significantly more compelling.

3. Personal/Corporate Projects

Ideal for both personal and corporate projects, infographics increase engagement levels. Whether you’re working on an HR report, creating comparison slides, or managing personal budget, using infographics will help you break down complex data into easy-to-understand visuals.

No matter how bulky and indigestible the data may be, you’ll manage to convert it to visuals that are more compelling, understandable, and retentive.

Ready to get started? At Biz Infographic, we specialize in designing modern, eye-catching, engaging, and easily graspable infographics.

Explore our collection to get started! You’ll find a wide range of fully customizable infographic templates.

Our collection also comprises sales management dashboard templates, inventory templates, budget templates, HR dashboard templates, and so much more.

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