
HR Dashboards: What Are Its Different Types?

It’s no secret that the human resource department is the backbone of every company. Yes, you can acquire the best machines, but you won’t be able to increase production if you don’t have reliable workers handling your machinery.

This is why it’s crucial for you to ensure your staff is working at their full potential. However, if you’ve got hundreds of individuals working for you, managing them can be a headache. Luckily, you can use HR dashboards to streamline workforce management.

Let’s find out about different HR dashboards your firm can use to amplify efficiency levels.

HR Key Performance Indicator Dashboard

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are an efficient way to analyze your employee’s performance. If your firm is performing well in the market, that doesn’t mean there is no room for improvement. It’s your responsibility to train and motivate employees to perform better. But how do you check the performance of every employee?

An HR KPI dashboard is just the tool you need! With a KPI dashboard, you can view the performance of all your employees with a single click. Here are some of the common indicators a top-class HR KPI dashboard would show:

  • Revenue generated per employee
  • Total overtime hours
  • Training costs
  • Average absenteeism rate
  • Total hours of training

HR Budget vs. Actual Dashboard

The pandemic has caused many firms to decrease their budget and even offload employees amid the financial crisis. In the post-pandemic era, you’ll have to make an employee budget beforehand to prevent financial problems in the future. However, creating a budget and comparing it with actual circumstances is never easy.

Luckily, you can use an HR Budget vs. Actual dashboard to make a comparison between the HR budget you had created and the expenses you’re incurring currently. From total expense details to year-on-year growth, a dashboard can provide a plethora of information to help you judge your company’s performance.

HR Metric Dashboard

Analyzing your workforce extensively can help you find loopholes and improve overall efficiency. However, collecting information for every employee can take an eternity. So, how can you save your time?

You can use an HR metric dashboard to learn more about the diversity in your workforce. We’ve listed some of the metrics that a dashboard can show:

  • Total salary
  • The average age of employees
  • Turnover ratio
  • Employment status
  • Total employees

High-Quality HR Dashboards Available

Looking for a single-stop solution for all your HR dashboard needs? You’ve come to the right place! Our team of experts at Biz Infograph has developed state-of-the-art HR dashboards that provide you with accurate data. We’ve been delivering a wide variety of business dashboards to a diverse range of clients, including small businesses, large organizations, and freelancers.

We also provide slide templates to make attractive HR presentations. Our infographic presentation templates can make data analysis easier for you.

You can get in touch with us here for more details.

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