
5 Signs of a Boring Presentation

During our careers, most of us have delivered at least one such presentation that didn’t go as well as we had planned it. You might have found half your audience dozing off, with the rest fidgeting or having conversations.

At times, the content isn’t what the problem is; it’s that the presentation as a whole is too dull. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to fix this. Think back to the last presentation you saw that had you completely entranced. Very few people know how to take data and make it motivating, inspiring, and informative.

Looking at your mistakes can help you fix them and become a better presenter. Read on to discover a few common mistakes that may make your presentation boring:

Not Using A Color Scheme:

Design is an essential element of your presentation and can help it look more attractive. There are plenty of ways to make your presentation more compelling, but choosing a color scheme is the easiest.

When selecting colors for your presentation, it’s essential to think about the audience you are presenting to. Colors can have a significant impact on how the audience will visually engage with your presentation.

If you’re presenting on behalf of a company, choose colors that match their branding. If you don’t have a brand, choose a few colors that complement each other, contrast well, and use them throughout the presentation.

Overcrowding The Slides:

Another common mistake made by presenters is adding too much information to their slides. The corporate world struggles with content overload, and it’s still common to write your entire speech down on slides. However, this results in the audience focusing on the presentation and not on the presenter.

To avoid this, condense every idea you will be presenting into a few words or a short sentence. This will act as a reference for the audience, so they know what you’re talking about, but their full attention will be on the speaker.

Adding too much detail can also reduce the amount of information the audience will take away from your presentation.

Using Stock Fonts:

Don’t fall into the trap of choosing a boring font with a fancy template. A wide variety of fonts are available online, and selecting the right one can easily elevate your presentation. Select a font that is easily readable but is still fun to look at.

Adding Detailed Charts Or Graphs:

Your PowerPoint slides should be easy to read for the audience. If you are presenting data in the form of detailed graphs or charts, the audience may not respond well to them.

As a result, your presentation won’t have any impact on them. Instead, convert the information into easy visuals with simple graphics that make a point.

Using A Stock Template:

While using a stock template is convenient, it’s often what leads to an irritated audience who would rather be anywhere else.

Don’t just use a template that’s been loaded onto PowerPoint since 2003. Slides that look generalized won’t have the audience excited, and they may not even be motivated to listen to you.

Instead, choose a new template from Biz Infograph. We have plenty of free PowerPoint templates available for download on our website. Alternatively, you can also create your own design by getting in touch with us.

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