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4 Reasons Why Infographics Work Better Than Text

Got a big presentation coming up? Find out why you should work with free PowerPoint infographic templates instead of text.

In the world of content strategy, there’s been a not-so-friendly rivalry between text and visuals.

On one side, there are people who claim that powerfully written words work well on their own and don’t need any bells and whistles to create an impact.

On the other, there are those who that well-designed visuals get the message across in a shorter time, with fewer words and a greater effect.

Now, we’re not denying that plain text can be effective. However, when it comes to instantly engaging your audience and keeping them focused on your message, infographics are decidedly better.

Here’s why:

1.   They’re Better at Capturing Attention

Here’s a bit of psychology 101: attention is a very limited resource, in capacity as well as duration. What’s more, how much attention we pay to something affects how well we’re able to remember it.

Another fact: we’re always drawn more quickly to patterns, colours, and images than to text.

Long before your consumers spend their money, they spend their attention. Why wouldn’t you want to make the most of it?

2.   They Boost Your Brand

What takes paragraphs to describe using text, can be expressed more directly through visuals.

An infographic doesn’t give you unlimited space, which is why only the most pertinent and relevant information ends up on the final image. As a result, that’s the information that ends up being highlighted.

By combining the most important information about your business with a creative infographic, you make sure people are always in the know and aware of what your brand is about.

3.   They Do Wonders for Your SEO Rankings

In this digital age, SEO can make or break a company.

Every time you choose sharing an infographic instead of text, you have a better chance of your content reaching a bigger audience and going viral.

As a business owner, you’re not putting out content into a vacuum. You want your marketing content to be seen, shared, and talked about.

Planning, creating, and promoting your infographics are key steps to getting more backlinks through social media shares and referring domains.

4.   Infographics Establish Trust

Through their better presentation of data, that is.

Google wouldn’t be handling billions of searches every day if people didn’t want to know things. But as much as people want answers and information, they want them to be easy to follow, too.

Data presented as it is, with rows of numbers and long pages of text, is typically unappealing to everyone except for maybe the most dedicated researchers.

Turn this same data into graphs, tables and charts, however, and suddenly it’s accessible to everyone!

The more easily people can access and understand your given information, the more they’re likely to trust your credibility.

Presentation Templates Online

Our extensive range of high-end slide templates are designed to be used with Google Slides, Apple Keynote, and Microsoft PowerPoint. No matter the platform, we’ve got some of the best presentation templates for you.

To benefit from our packages and free PowerPoint infographics and designs, contact us today!