
4 Different Business Dashboards Every Company Should Use

Sales, finance, HR, and supply chain dashboards can help you manage your business efficiently.Here are four business dashboards your firm should use.

According to a survey by Statistics Canada, it’s expected that companies in the company will face multiple challenges like supply chain shortages and recruitment issues in 2022. Amidst these corporate problems, managing a business can become a nightmare. Luckily, we’ve got a solution for you!

If you want to make business management smoother, we recommend you start using business dashboards. It’s a great tool for firms struggling to use data to improve their production processes.

Continue reading this blog to find four different dashboards your firm should use in 2022.

Sales Dashboards

Did you know retail sales in Canada increased by 3.2% in 2022? Undoubtedly, the economic situation in Canada is improving, and sales are expected to increase even more in the latter part of the year.

However, increasing sales can become a hassle if you don’t have relevant strategies to manage the sales. If you want to ensure your sales revenue increases smoothly, we recommend you get a sales dashboard. Here are the different types of sales dashboards you can get:

  • Sales budget dashboard
  • Sales KPI dashboard
  • Sales team dashboard
  • Salesperson performance dashboard
  • Sales tracking dashboard

Finance Dashboards

If you’re selling products on online and physical platforms, tracking the revenue and the expenses can be challenging. So, what do you do to manage your finances? We recommend you use financial dashboards to get real-time financial data.

You can use a financial scorecard to analyze your company’s performance. The statistics from financial dashboards can be used to make relevant financial strategies.

We’ve listed some financial dashboards that can be beneficial for your firm:

  • Profit margin dashboard
  • Cash flow dashboard
  • Finance scorecard
  • Financial budget dashboard
  • Accounts receivable and payable dashboard

Supply Chain Dashboards

Managing the supply chain post-pandemic won’t be easy. Many companies are still dealing with supply chain shortages and operational bottlenecks. We suggest you use supply chain dashboards if you want to maintain your supply levels and ensure timely delivery of products and services to your esteemed clients.

HR Dashboards

Without a talented and motivated workforce, it isn’t easy to grow any business. You should use HR dashboards if you want to grow your business to new heights. You can use HR recruitment dashboards to employ highly trained and talented workers for your company.

HR training dashboards are beneficial for you if you conduct frequent training sessions. The dashboard can help you analyze your training costs and identify the performance of your workers before and after the training sessions. You can also use the box performance rating dashboard to identify low and high-performing workers.

Get Your Hands On Top-Quality Business Dashboards!

Looking to purchase business dashboards? You’ve come to the right place! At Biz Infograph, we have an exceptional collection of dashboards for various business departments, including finance, HR, sales, and supply chain.

Our dashboards provide real-time data that can help you make extensive business strategies. We also provide presentation templates for clients that can’t make corporate presentations. Our infographic slide templates are the perfect tool for you to create a kickass presentation.

So, what’re you waiting for? Contact our representatives today for more details about our dashboards and slide templates.

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